Sepsis Watch

with Team BUGS
Since our Erin died unnecessarily from sepsis in 2002, 3,116,115 more
people in the U.S. have also passed from sepsis.

August 22, 1978 April 30, 2002
Every year, worldwide, tens of millions of people die from sepsis and septic shock. 258,000 die yearly in the US annually. Millions upon millions survive their fight against sepsis, but many are left with amputations, physical and mental disabilities, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, confusion, and memory loss. In fact, there are 1.4 million sepsis survivors yearly in the U.S., and 59% of them suffer from either cognitive or physical issues for differing lenghts of time.
Sepsis is truly a "Blanket of Death" and you need to know about it. You need to be empowered to advocate for yourself and for those you care about, to help save yourself and your loved ones. If you are not well enough to advocate for yourself, make sure you have an advocate to follow the Vitals-Watch App (VW-APP) and this web site to insure you are being cared for properly and with urgency!
Unfortunately, most Americans have never heard of sepsis ( 56% have not). This is why I am creating the Vitals-Watch App ( VW-APP ) for the non-medical person to learn about sepsis, share and survive if they or one of their loved ones experience it. It is my hope that when released, you will help make the App go viral. You must Suspect Sepsis, Say Sepsis, to Save Lives, including possibly yours! You must know the symptoms, be able to measure them and seek professional help immediately.
Your ability to detect and measure just 3 vital signs that are increasing in the presence of a suspected infection may save your life or your limbs! This first VW-APP is informational only and it is free. I am simultaneously working on the next generations that will have utilities built into it, " So More Survive".

"Sepsis is mostly, treatable and has an 80% survival rate, IF it is recognized early enough by you and your healthcare providers". It is critically important that prompt, appropriate care is administered by healthcare providers during the Golden Hour - the first hour of sepsis. Of course, you must get to your doctor or ER promptly. Do not say; " I will see how I feel tomorrow". Sepsis is a time sensitive conditions. Minutes count!!
If you are alone and really sick and non ambulatory; call 911, tell them you can not move and believe you may have sepsis!
It has been said that at least 0ne-half of the 258,000 annual U. S. victims would survive if antibiotics and fluids had been given in that first hour. You can see, it is critical that you do not delay seeking help when you recognize the early signs, an increased TPR ( temperature, pulse, respirations ) plus a suspected infection). As mentioned , you have an 80% chance of survival if treated in the first hour, but if that is delayed for 6 hours, your chances are only 30%. Every hour of delay increases your mortality by 8%. It would be helpful to keep a diary of your measurements as you fight any infection; burns, flu, pnemonia, etc. When you see abnormal signs and elevations of these vitals , you need to call your doctor, call 911 or go to the ER to be screened for sepsis
This website is an expansion of the critical material for sepsis survival that is found in the VW-APP , which was developed for non-medical people. The materials presented here and on the VW-APP is meant to raise awareness and empower people to recognize sepsis early themselves. It is also provided to help you feel comfortable and equipped to alert your healthcare providers of your concerns and to engage them in testing for and promptly treating this deadly syndrome. It is IMPORTANT , if you are in the hospital, to tell everyone on every shift that , " I AM CONCERNED ABOUT SEPSIS", and, " CAN YOU SCREEN ME FOR SEPSIS".
It is critically important that you know the signs and symptoms ( TPR ), so that you can recognize it early, get medical help, and hopefully the medical professionals will treat it as a medical emergency.
I WISH; this had been the case with Erin! The pain is FOREVER!

Vital Signs, include your heart rate, breathing rate , temperature and blood pressure. Normal vital signs change with age, sex, weight, exercise tolerance and overall health.
You need only a thermometer, watch and blood pressure cuff!
Normal vital sign ranges for the average healthy adult while resting are:
* Blood Pressure: 90/60 mm/Hg to 120/80 mm/Hg
* Breathing: 12 - 18 breaths per minute
* Pulse; 60 - 100 beats per minute
* Temperature: 97.8 - 99.1 Fahrenheit / average 98.6 degrees Fahreinheit
Again; it is critical that you do not delay seeking medical help when you measure and see an increased temperature, pulse ,and respirations ( TPR ) and a suspected infection. Ask to be screened for sepsis. This version of the VW-APP is informational only. This is not a diagnostic tool for sepsis, but increased vital signs along with an infection may be the only signs you will see and should alert you to seek medical advice? Your medical professionals will have a more difficult time saving you if you delay seeking treatment.